
What. A. Day. I got to the school at 6:30 to block off the parking lot so we could set up Bravestock. I didn't have to go to any classes, so I set up until school got out at 11:30. Then I facilitated and cleaned up until 3:30. If my math is correct, that is 9 hours in the sun. I. got. burned. I didn't realize it until I was on my way home. On the bright side, I sure got my fill of Vitamin D.

In case you were wondering what Bravestock is...

It begins with food. We brought in Spanky's, Little Caesars, Taco Time, and we grilled hamburgers.

And of course there is face painting (and body painting if your name is Carver) to make the lines for food more bearable.

This is the funniest/sweetest/most adorable boy you will ever meet. He happens to have superb aim and managed to dunk his special needs teacher.

There are tons of sports (basketball, volleyball, badminton, ping pong, soccer, racquetball) going on all over, but for the athletically challenged (ok, um, mostly me) there is plenty of chalk laying around.

And of course some spontaneous interpretive dancing. (There were 2 radio stations playing right next to them)

I think the dunk tank was the biggest attraction. We anticipated closing down the carnival type activities around 1:00, but the lines were full all the way until sports ended at 2:30.

This is the much anticipated balloon wall. It was a dream come true. I wrote our year long theme in white crayon at the bottom so the paint wouldn't stick to it. It was legible, but didn't photograph well.

And this is Hannah. Fulfilling her yearlong dream. Isn't she gorgeous? We were able to include the balloon darts by incorporating it into a kissing booth. The balloons were filled with either red (really pink) or blue paint. The color of paint in the balloon you popped determined what cheerleader (BYU or UofU) you got a Hershey's kiss from.

We sold Bravestock shirts (modeled by Hannah above) as well as all of the white shirts from the whole year so students could tie dye them.

There were pie eating competitions...
That turned into whipped cream fights.

And we can't forget about the fortune telling teepee. Visitors received a telling from our own Mrs. Ball and a fortune cookie.

Tonight was Seminary Graduation and I could barely stay awake. Today was a great continuation of what will be a great week.