fantastic friday

Today really was wonderful. As officers, we got to go to lunch with next year's group. I am so excited for them. We went to Joy Luck, just like last year, and it did not seem like it had been a whole year. This year went so fast. Everyone said that it would, but I didn't believe it. In some ways, I wish I were just starting this year over again, and in others I am beyond ready to be done. This year was by far my favorite year of high school, but also the most stressful. Even sophomore year seems calm in comparison. Tonight we planned on sleeping on the football field like we did during Homecoming Week, but the sprinklers were on. Instead, we drove up to Kelsey's and partied all night long. It was a great stress reliever. Everyone was super relaxed so we laughed the whole time. I love the 27 people I got to work with this year. I'm so glad a couple of them are coming down to BYU with me.