Hello 18.

I've technically been an adult in the wizarding world for a year, but now I'm official in the muggle world too. I had a very "big bang" 18th birthday. I ditched all two classes of school today (gotta love home release) and went to lunch with my mom and dad at The Cheesecake Factory. It was lovely. We got to sit outside. The new City Creek mall really is amazing. I thought the menu said "Big Bang Chicken," but it actually said "Bang Bang Chicken." Just being at the Cheesecake Factory made it a Big Bang Theory day because Penny is a waitress there. Then I got a tiara.

We headed up to Park City to shop before going to Pizza Factory (kind of a factory day I guess) for dinner with everyone.

Best of all, this girl rented season 4 of The Big Bang Theory. Happy Birthday to me.

Oh and I have this friend. Her name is Hannah. She rocks. She made me a Pinterest cake. Could there be anything more appropriate? The fondant recipe was even the same one we found on Pinterest during our AP Research days together.