Happy Sunday!

Twice a year, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints holds a General Conference–a 2-day event during which we have the opportunity to hear from living prophets and apostles of God. Church members and others from all over the world gather to hear instructions and receive answers to questions. The next General Conference will be October 4th and 5th. Every Sunday until then, I will be sharing a quote from a talk given in the last conference. Today's quote comes from my favorite talk given in April by a man I highly respect and adore, Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

Happy Sunday! Quote from Dieter F. Uchtdorf #gratitude #LDS #Mormon
Happy Sunday! Quote from Dieter F. Uchtdorf #gratitude #LDS #Mormon

You can find the whole talk here to read or listen. P.S. He is very fun to listen to :)

somewhere under the rainbow

I was assigned to give a talk about General Conference today. I read all of the talks again, looking for my favorite. I probably shouldn't, but I have a favorite apostle. His name is Dieter F. Uchtdorf. I found that reading all the talks in his accent made each talk seem special, even the ones that didn't seem to apply to me before. President Uchtdorf's talk from the priesthood session really stuck out to me. He was speaking specifically about the priesthood, but his words apply to so much more. He talked about how knowing the reasons behind the priesthood makes living worthily easier. I think having a 'why' makes anything easier. When you have a reason, it is easier to overcome obstacles. Next he talked about an overabundance of good things to do. Just because something is good, it does not necessarily warrant our time. I have found this to be so true, especially this year. Something may be good, but there is often something better to do with my time. Next he spoke about the power of doing. Whenever I am confused about what I should be doing, the answer always comes after I start doing something. Once started, I either feel an assurance that I am doing the right thing, or I feel prompted to change what I'm doing. Choosing a college has proven to be a situation where I have needed to act before receiving an answer. I knew without a doubt that I wanted to go to BYU. I love the atmosphere and they offer a program that combines graphic design with advertising. I was offered a double-full-ride to UVU. Suddenly I wasn't so sure BYU was worth it. I considered finishing my generals at UVU and transferring, but that doesn't make sense because I only have one general credit to complete. I have prayed a lot throughout the decision process, but I still wasn't sure. I know I am supposed to go to BYU. I have no idea how I'm going to pay for it, but it will all work out. My decision was confirmed when I went to Provo today. There was the biggest rainbow I have ever seen directly above the BYU campus and I had the strongest feeling that I need to go there. I still don't know how the financial logistics will work out, but I'm confident it will all work out.