the one where she comes home!

My mom was doing really well until super early this morning. Ever since then, she's been in much more pain. Drinking the contrast for the CT scan yesterday created a lot of pressure that hasn't gone away. She had a fever this morning, and they thought about keeping her an extra day, but she ended up getting to come home tonight. She is still nauseated and groggy, but hopefully this will be the worst part.  



sleeping in a hospital bed

I drove to the hospital after work. They did an ultrasound and a CT because of a pain in my mom's leg. The doctors are being cautious about blood clots since my grandma and I have both had them. My dad will have to give my mom blood thinning shots for 4 weeks after she comes home. The tests came back negative for blood clots. We think a nerve was inflamed during surgery, causing the pain she feels now. I am going to sleep at the hospital tonight so my dad can go home to see the kiddos and sleep in his own bed. My mom is groggy from all the drugs, but she doesn't have pain anywhere other than her leg.