california adventure

We had a great day in California Adventure today. Owen especially loved today. He got to dance with Phineas and Ferb and watch Disney Jr. We loved Radiator Springs. As a designer, I was blown away by the attention to detail, even for Disney. The only downside: see that picture of the red rock? That was our view for half an hour while we got stuck on the racing ride. It wouldn't have been so bad, but right as we were getting on the ride, Owen says, "I have to go to the bathroom!" He pretty much hated the ride. Mack scared him. In his words: "The ride said 'watch out for Mack' and I didn't watch out!" The second part of the ride was fast and had a couple of drops. Owen doesn't like any more excitement than A Bug's Land has to offer.

We had great seats for The World of Color show. We loved it. It was a great way to end the night.

the happiest place on earth

Fun Fact of the Day: I love Disney. It was my dream to be a princess in Disneyland while I went to college. In the same year, I found out I couldn't be a Disney princess because I was too tall and I couldn't be an astronaut because I don't have perfect vision. I was pretty crushed to say the least. Due to the fact that I was only a couple of blocks away from the happiest place on earth, I woke up much earlier than usual. My mom, Owen, and I snuck down to breakfast while everyone else was still dead to the world.

Another fun fact: Owen likes donuts almost as much as chocolate muffins. One year, Owen had a pyramid of donuts instead of a birthday cake. He could not have been happier.

By the time we boarded the tram, I was already busting with excitement. I have mad love for that place.

Very early into our magical day, we made a horrible mistake. We were all very excited and headed straight for Space Mountain. Owen was having a great time and we figured the line was just long enough to prepare him for the ride. We were wrong. Oh, so very wrong. About 2.1 seconds after the ride started, I could hear Owen screaming his head off. Apparently he made Sam hold both his hands and dug his nails into them. Owen was ready to go home immediately.

Damage control was much needed so we took a spin on the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters. Owen liked this much more, though he was still not very trusting of us after the Space Mountain fiasco.

I thought he would be into riding all the big and exciting rides. I was wrong. He was rather wimpy and hated anything dark, fast, or loud.

The rest of the day was pretty hot. We rode a lot of rides and wore ourselves out. At least a couple of kiddos fell asleep during the fireworks.

Every time we go on a trip, Owen falls asleep on Sam's back at least once. And almost every time, I manage to snap a picture of it.