Hi there! + free printable banner

free printable banner! includes 2 of each letter What's this? A blog post from Kensie Kate? Why yes, yes it is. The truth is, I've been wanting to blog regularly again for several months now, but I just kept putting it off. I was plagued by the reoccurring thought that I should wait. Wait until finals are over. Wait until summer. Wait until I graduate. Wait until I'm married and have cute babies and actually have things to post about.

And then I had a moment where I realized waiting is stupid and I took my own advice—stop planning and start doing. Not just in regards to this here blog of mine, but I decided to stop waiting in general. Stop waiting for Friday. For better weather. For the next step. I'm planning for the future while focusing much more on the now. Because now is the time to be happy and get things done!

After many failed attempts of being a consistent blogger, this time I'm doing it right and planning ahead. Here's what you can expect to find here the next little while: uplifting thoughts on Sundays, free printables, song recommendations, the occasional recipe, and generally happy things!

So to celebrate, today I have a free printable banner for you today! Today is my roommate's birthday so I'm going to use it to decorate our apartment for a surprise party. Each letter comes in 2 different colors (and let's be honest—it's mostly because Kensie has 2 'e's and I couldn't let them be the same :) ) Each letter is it's own jpeg so you can drag them into a word document and make them any size you want and only print the letters you need. I would looooove to see pictures of how you use this banner (or any other printables I share).

Go here to download the banner!


kensie|kate turns 1 : free printable banner

Have you entered the giveaway that started yesterday? (UPDATE: giveaway is closed) I am continuing with the celebrations of this week. Here is a printable banner that can be used for anything. It comes with every letter in several colors.

blue kensiekate printable banner

chalkboard kensiekate printable banner

green kensiekate printable banner

red kensiekate printable banner

yellow kensiekate printable banner

If you happen to use them, send me a picture! I'd love to see what you do with them.

freebie friday :: printable banner

Today for freebie friday, I am sharing a printable banner in 4 different colors. Every letter comes in mint, peach, mustard, and gray. There are 2 letters to a page, so you only need to print the pages you need. If you use the banner and would like to share your project, email me a picture and I will post it.

gray banner | peach banner | mustard banner | mint banner

I stopped at the hospital on my way home. My mom is sore, but her doctor decided she could heal just as well at home. The drain is painful, but hopefully it can be removed soon. I used the valet at the hospital and when I got home, I realized they gave me back an extra key. My dad had to make the 20-minute drive again to return it, but fortunately the owner hadn't tried to retrieve the car before he got there.