EFY Week 8 - Provo

I wasn't supposed to work this week, but I got called in just a couple of days before this session started. Provo usually isn't my favorite place to work just because there are so many people, but it was fun to see so many counselors again, as well as a few of my EFY kiddos from last year. My girls this week were a hoot and I'm glad I got to be with them. They would pray about the cutest things (like clouds during games night--which totally happened). It was a pretty chill week, compared to the rest of the summer. One of the craziest parts of a session in Provo are the classes because there are so many to choose from and they are in different buildings all over campus. This week was especially insane because Brad Wilcox and Hank Smith were both teachers and all of the kids wanted to go to their classes. Kids were sprinting to get to classes and a lot of people were frustrated that it got kind of out of control, but come on, how cool is it that these kids were running to a class to learn more about the gospel?!?! Definitely a "problem" I'm willing to deal with. IMG_4516IMG_4612IMG_4563IMG_4524IMG_4728IMG_4605