All good things come to an end

This was our last day in New York. We were super tired I had knee surgery my sophomore year and then I got massive blood clots. Since we've been flying and walking so much, I got to sport these lovely black socks today, but we got to see a lot of fun things. We even tried New York Cheesecake.

We went down to Soho and had a great time. I finally got to go to a Kate Spade store and they even had a Mother's Day celebration complete with fancy refreshments. (P.S. See that yellow shirt? I bought it at Century 21 during the 5 hours we spent there. When I put it on today, I realized it is actually meant to be worn backwards to how I have been. Oh well, I like it better this way.)

We went to Grand Central Station to catch the subway. We stopped in all the stationery shops and saw the funkiest Apple Store before hopping a train.

We went to Central Park, but we were too exhausted to walk very far. Instead I laid down on a bench. That tree was my view while laying on the bench when a bird narrowly missed pooping on me. Trusty camera strap, thanks for taking the hit for me.

The Alice and Wonderland statues...

L: One last view of Central Park.

We left the park, picked up our luggage from the hotel, and jumped on the subway to the airport. There was one transfer to make, but we got so caught up planning the exciting changes coming soon to kensie kate that we missed it. Other than that one tiny mistake, we navigated the subway system like pros the whole time we were there. Or at least my phone did. We made it to the airport and found out our plane got delayed by a couple of hours so I took a nap.

It was crazy to leave the day after I moved out of my apartment, especially since we are leaving another trip (this time with the whole family) in 6 days. Much to do before then, but boy am I tired.