the one where I got a bad text

You can tell you're going to have a bad day if you wake up to a text that reads "call me when you get this" from your mom. It was early, before I was fully functional, but my inquisitive mind pushed me to call her back. No answer. So I called my dad. No answer. At this point, my need for extra sleep overtook my curiosity. I woke to Sam calling me on my dad's phone. My mom and dad had taken Drew to Primary Children's in the middle of the night because his ear got worse. My mom called me back, explaining that the machines in the hospital cause poor reception. She asked if there was any way I could come home and I told her I had already taken care of what I needed to so I could come. My Thanksgiving Break started a couple of days early. Owen has sores on his face (we think it's Hand Foot Mouth) so he was sad that he couldn't go anywhere. We had fun painting with the girls once they got home from school. Owen: Kensie, pretend you don't know your left. Me: Okay, why? Owen: *holds up fingers in L shape* Which one is the L? Me: *points to left fingers* Owen: Good job! You're correct! And now you know which one's left. *shrugs/smirks* That's just a little trick I made up.