goblin valley

We love Goblin Valley. At least in my opinion, most of the red rock in Utah pretty much looks the same. But not here! I have never seen such crazy formations anywhere else. The kiddos love being able to run and climb to their hearts content. There aren't rules about what can and can't be touched, which was perfect for our group with 8 kids.
Owen loves climbing scary high with all the other kids, but he also really likes a good piggy back ride.
Ainsley loves finding little nooks for her to fit in...
What you can't tell in the right picture, is that Finley was fetching high up. This hill was huge and steep and I have no idea how she made it down without somersaulting.
I told you he really likes to climb....
Goblin Valley is a perfect location for hide-and-go-seek-tag.
Sam sitting on his beloved platypus rock...
Drew riding his space vehicle after finding out Galaxy Quest was filmed here.
This little nook was super scary high. Owen had no fear and he was one fast climber.
Do you see that little speck on the mountain. Yep, that's Owen.
More playing tag.
I love the "ha ha, you can't get me" in the left picture.
Waiting to be found....
Taking advantage of the breeze...
What do you do when you can't walk down the way you went up? Slide!
Umm...they are mimicking the formation above them...
More tag...
and more tag...
P.S. Drew made it back before Sam could tag him...
And Sam hiding. If you ever find yourself in the middle of Utah with a bunch of kids (or dogs, we saw those to) Goblin Valley is our recommendation.