party, party

Today we left our lovely hotel. Sadly, I did not get pictures. You'll just have to visit to see it for yourself. Really. Those fire hydrant red accent walls are worth the drive. The place was very clean, but extremely well, um, eclectic. We liked it. It had plenty of room for all of us, not usually the case with our clan, and I was really jealous of the owl clock and porcelain decorative silverware. We packed up and left for a DI trip. The whole purpose was to get a dictionary for a wedding present. My cousin is going to school to become an English professor so the plan was to get a dictionary, highlight random wedding-ish words and leave dollar bills on each page with a highlighted word. We got tons of blow up toys for the lake next week and made my grandma and grandpa meet us so they could drive up a game table the boys found. And of course we forgot to even look for a dictionary so we had to make a second trip.

Last week I saw pictures of a splash pad on Main Street, so the whole trip I was pushing for a visit. Owen loved it. Everyone else, not so much. It really was meant for small children. Plus it was insanely hot. Everyone was begging to leave, but we forced them to play in the water until 2:00 so we could hit up Sonic for a drink for the ride home. Everyone got a 44 oz. slush and we made it all the way to the reception in Provo without a single pit stop. Pretty remarkable, I think.

The reception was great. It was in my aunt and uncle's backyard and it was gorgeous. Everything looked great and the frozen yogurt was a big hit. We partied it up for hours. We made it home after midnight. 9:00 church was not very welcome the next morning. Congrats Taylor and Julie!

He was really bored. So he pretty much laid here and made annoyed faces.
this could be my favorite picture of all time. it is just so him.
we are a little bit redneck. we stuck my phone in the sunglasses holder so everyone could watch Grownups. favorite. movie. ever.
when finley gets ahold of the camera...