March is Madness

It's been a while. Here's a recap. State DECA, 1st place. State Basketball, made it to the semis. Toilet vs. banana, banana won. 3000 pictures, edited. Magic Week, tackled. English tests, dominated. Poetry assignment, last poems ever. 1000 balloons, blown up. Cheesecake Factory, epic. 3-day-weekend, glorious. Sterling Scholar, over. Today was grand. I actually woke up to my alarm and got ready with time to spare. Then I saw this when I walked out to my car.

This boy cracks me up. Top Owen quotes of the month: Fin: MOM! Owen is hurting me! Mom: Owen, why are you hurting Finley? Owen: She is annoying me! Mom: That's not a good reason. What will you do if your wife annoys you someday? Owen: If she annoys me, I will not marry her. --- Fin: Mom! Owen hit me! Mom: Why did you hit your sister? Owen: I didn't. I smacked her with a bottle. Mom: Why would you do that? That's very naughty. Owen: Why? It was just a simple bottle.

You see, we love spending our Saturday mornings at school. We think butcher paper and muffins make a good combination.
We REALLY like spending our Saturdays at school. Everything turned out awesome. I was skeptical, but the balloon drop was truly magical.
The rest of Sophomore Week included Mario Kart Skateboard Racing, Disney Day (what says magic better than cotton candy & a coloring contest?), and a movie night.