thankful thursday

1:: mi familia. off to Park City with the gang today. 2:: the gospel ( 3:: great music (currently Cold December by Matt Costa) 4:: great color. as much as I hate ferris wheels, they make for some seriously awesome pictures. 5:: the kindle app. seriously brilliant. I get to read without having to get out of bed to turn off the light. 6:: all things crayola. no explanation needed. 7:: fingernail clippers. on my key ring. best 59 cents ever spent. since you can't have a pocket knife at school & all. 8:: all the lifesavers in our house have finally been consumed. everyone got their own book of sugary goodness the night before mom & dad left for the weekend. box of sugar=horribly dramatic weekend. 9:: pinterest. it's true. i'm an addict. 10:: balloons. who doesn't love balloons?